Conceptual Focus
Text & Subtext encourages the analysis and appreciation of the varying notions of »difference« in relation to issues the artists face including culture, nationality, race, taste, sex and sexuality. Especially contentious is the question of whether art as practised by women is categorically »different« from that which is practised by men. There has been a tendency to simplify or reduce such shows featuring only women artists as a »subtext« to the more important shows featuring artists in general - often mostly men. There is also an assumption that women-only shows are relevant only to women and/or feminists.

Art for many women in many cultures has always been the »subtext« within the main text of their lives as wives and mothers. Many have not been encouraged to live and practise as professional artists. At best, they could be »amateur professionals«.

Text & Subtext is an attempt to map this as a main event where it is these artists' concepts, philosophies and work that are in focus. Whether or not the artists choose to work with themes that relate to being women or to women's issues, what matters is the works, the ideas behind the works and the opportunity to analyse and appreciate the similarities and differences between these works and ideas. Text & Subtext seeks to facilitate communication between Asian women artists in the contexts of their own practice and map out points of overlap, convergence and divergence.

(From the press material provided by Earl Lu Gallery, Singapore)
Earl Lu Gallery

Some works
© Gerhard Haupt & Pat Binder, 2001

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