7th Havana Biennial -  Home November 2000 - January 2001Home
Los Carpinteros List of Artists
List by country
Los Carpinteros Alexandre Arrechea
1970 Trinidad, Cuba

Marco Antonio Castillo
1971 Camagüey, Cuba

Dagoberto Rodríguez
1969 Caibarién, Cuba

They are living in Havana.
Portable City, 1999-2000
Installation beside the restaurant La Divina Pastora: tents, bars of aluminium, canvas
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We arrive in a given place and, in time, we install our idea of the world-our institucions, our customs... In a sense, this makes us a nomadic culture. The problem lies in the fact that we always want others to think as we do.

Los Carpinteros

For their work at the Biennial, Los Carpinteros received the UNESCO Prize for the Promotion of the Arts, which was shared this time among four artists.
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Cabaña - 1 Tour

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