1st Mercosur Biennial - Home October 2 - November 20, 1997
Overview of Information
October 2 - November 20, 1997


Fundação Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul
Rua dos Andradas, 1234 Conj. 1008
90020-008 – Porto Alegre – RS – Brasil
Tel:  + 55 51 - 3228 5297
Fax: + 55 51 - 3228 5337
Email: bienal@terra.com.br
Frederico Morais Justo Werlang
Curators from participating countries






Irma Arestizábal

Pedro Querejazu

Frederico Morais

Justo Pastor Mellado

Ticio Escobar

Angel Kalenberg

Roberto Guevara
Justo Werlang  (right)

General curator:
Frederico Morais
According to the press release, 275 artists showed 842 works in a 24,000 m² exhibition space.

Goal of the Biennial and the thematic-conceptual emphasis of the curatorial projects.
International Seminars

Latin American Utopias,
October 6 - 9, 1997

Latin America as Seen from Europe and the United States,
November 3 - 5, 1997
Catalog   (544 pages)

Foreword by the Organizer  (Portuguese)

Frederico Morais: Rewriting the History of Latin American Art  (Portuguese)

Irma Arestizábal: Xul Solar  (Spanish)

Helio Pellegrino: Mário Pedrosa  (Portuguese)

Curatorial text for each country  (Spanish, Brazil in Portuguese)

Biography, brief text, and 1 image for each artist  (Spanish, Brazil in Portuguese)

Documentation:   Tucumán Arde (Spanish), Escena de Avanzada (Spanish), O Julgamento (Portuguese), Geração AI-5 (Portuguese), Taller de Torres García (Spanish)

Continente Sul - Sur

Special edition about the Biennial by the magazine of the Instituto Estadual do Livro do Rio Grande do Sul. Approximately 400 pages of published texts, manifestos and documents about the artists and artistic movements of Latin America. Publisher: Frederico Morais.

Parallel exhibitions
Encouraged by the organizer, 5 commercial galleries in Porto Alegre, 1 in Novo Hamburgo and 2 cultural centers in Porto Alegre exhibited parallel shows in agreement with the general curator.

Texts and other publications about the Biennial in the WWW.
Information and websites about Mercosul and Porto Alegre

©  Portraits: Edison Vara

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