Universes in Universe  /  Biennials  /  27th São Paulo Biennial, 2006 / Dates & Facts


27th São Paulo Biennial, 2006: Overview of dates and facts
Updated: September 2006 (print version)


7 October - 17 December 2006
4 October: Parque Ibirapuera, followed by premiere of Cao Guimarães film at Cine Bombril
5 October: for artists, gallery representatives and consulates
6 October: for political authorities and guests of honor
Place: Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, Parque Ibirapuera, São Paulo

Como viver junto  (How to Live Together)

Chief curator:
Lisette Lagnado

Cristina Freire, Rosa Martínez, Adriano Pedrosa, José Roca

Guest curator:
Jochen Volz

President of the Fundação Bienal:
Manoel Francisco Pires da Costa

119 artists and groups

Pavilhão Ciccillo Matarazzo (Biennale Pavilion), Parque do Ibirapuera

Fundação Bienal de São Paulo


This overview has been compiled from information that we received from the organizers. We do not assume responsibility regarding the correctness of this information. Gerhard Haupt and Pat Binder, Universes in Universe


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