The worldwide success of the biennale model, their inflationary number has
led to the question of whether large exhibitions of the scale of the biennale,
will continue to be practical or necessary in the future. Both participation
of famous and often selected artists and financial subsidies can run into a
bottleneck when major exhibitions overlap. In 2000, the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen
and the Museum Fridericianum in Kassel convened an international conference
on the subject of biennales. From this emerged a biennale network, which last
met in 2002 in Frankfurt. In August 2006, these discussions continue in Singapore
in partnership with the inaugural Singapore Biennale.
In public and closed discussions, the roundtable organized and held in conjunction
with the Singapore Biennale raises for discussion concerns by a growing network
of curators who circulate amongst these biennales. The Biennale model’s
role of critical dialogue and convergences has developed institutional and
organisational characteristics necessary for gathering an internationally broad
spectrum of professionals, artists and audiences. Yet the question of the function
and purpose the biennale continues to serve is worth examination and review.
These series of discussions will focus in particular on the new and emerging
biennales, in dialogue with more experienced ones, examining their role in
the creation of platforms for cultural development.
The conference language is English.
31 August 2006
Public Forum
LASALLE-SIA College of the Arts,
90 Goodman Road
12 am
Welcome messages by
Fumio Nanjo, Artistic Director, Singapore Biennale
Eugene Tan, AICA Singapore & LASALLE-SIA
Introduction by Ursula Zeller, Head of Visual Arts Department, Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations, Stuttgart, and Gerhard Haupt, Universes in Universe - Worlds of Art, Berlin
Moderators of the event:
Gerhard Haupt, Lee Weng Choy, Ursula Zeller
12:30 - 3 pm
Presentations by curators/organizers
of the following biennales:
Sydney, Australia
Charles Merewether, Paula Latos-Valier
Moscow, Russia
Joseph Backstein
Dakar, Senegal
Yacouba Konaté
3 pm - 3:45 pm Coffee Break
3:45 pm - 6:30 pm
Presentations by curators/organizers
of the following biennales:
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Mohammed Kazem
Ushuaia, Argentina
Gustavo Romano
Explained by Ursula Zeller
Saigon, Vietnam
Gridthiya Gaweewong
7 pm
Exhibition Opening:
The Second Dance Song. New Contemporaries
Earl Lu Gallery of the Institute
of Contemporary Arts Singapore, LASALLE-SIA College of the Arts
2 September 2006
Closed Door - special invitation required
National Museum, Auditorium
93 Stamford Road
3 pm - 5 pm
The Biennale as Network
Possibilities of cooperations and coproductions between biennials
Participants: (special invitation)
Curators, organizers and artists of Biennials
Gerhard Haupt, Lee Weng Choy, Ursula Zeller
Organizers and Partners:
for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa)
Stuttgart, Germany
AICA - Singapore Section
Universes in Universe
- Worlds of Art
Berlin, Germany
Institute of Contemporary
Arts Singapore,
Lasalle-SIA College of the Arts
Singapore Biennale
With recognition of the Goethe-Institute Singapore
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