Universes in Universe - Worlds of Art

49th Venice Biennale
10 June - 4 November 2001

Venice / 2001



This tour is a part of our project »Universes in Universe - Worlds of Art«, an information and communication system on the visual arts of Africa, the Americas, and Asia/Pacific, within the context of the international art processes. Accordingly, we have concentrated on the presence of these areas, this time among the diverse exhibitions in Venice.

We were especially interested in who, from these parts of the world, gained access to Harald Szeemann's »Plateau of Humankind«. After all, the title and the statements printed in the official publications imply a claim to speak for the whole humanity. (see Plateau)

The Biennale is, of course, not the UN. Furthermore, as curator of an art exhibition, Szeemann has absolutely no obligation to take into account the proportional composition of humanity. But we do have to ask ourselves why huge regions of the world, in which there are known to be exciting artists, are so underrepresented in Szeemann's exhibition. Meant by this are above all Africa and the South American continent.

Besides the »Plateau of Humankind«, we visited most of the national presentations, as well as a few of the parallel exhibitions. However, in the two-and-a-half day press preview, it was impossible to see and document everything, even within our area of special interest. It should also be noted that the two of us have essentially created this tour on our own and without any financial support.

Pat Binder und Gerhard Haupt
Berlin, July 2001



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Despite careful scrutiny, we cannot guarantee the correctness and completeness of the information published in our report. In the case of material or non-material damages resulting from the use of the offered information, absolutely no liability claims directed at us are to be asserted.

The editors of Universes in Universe




Venice / 2001