S/T. 1999
Series: Otra ciudad (Another city)
The city is the natural landscape of the 21st century dweller. It is our artificial nature, the only one we have been able to inhabit. A strange place, full of lights that guide us in its dark nights, in the mystery of a wild jungle, so dangerous and yet so attractive. An ever changing landscape in which we move based on clues such as traffic signs, advertisements, bar signs, doctors' surgeries, shops, light signs, windows that personify cold and remote buildings.
But, what would happen if these signs disappeared, erased by a mysterious hand? The result would be that we would loose our way. If the lights went out in the urban night, we would be lost, stunned by the dark, the silence, the loneliness of being in a strange place, like someone who doesn't know how be guided by the stars lost in the forest. In the city there are no stars, and in the cities photographed by Ayguavives, the signals have gone, the signs have been erased, the windows are blind, there is no one behind the curtains, no one can see us, the buildings are shut tight and the city is empty, deprived of recognizable features. Lost place, unnamed city, which is the one we live in, known exclusively by its perishable, changing signs. The lack of safety, the uncertainty of the urban landscape becomes threatening, foreign, unrecognizable.
(Translation: Marina Torres)
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