Estancia en las tumbas. 2003 (Stay in the Graves)
Proyect: El monte perdido (The Lost Mountain)
Video, 11'17''
The power of the moving image adds the properties of poetry to those of photography. In "El Monte Perdido" (The Lost Mountain), Codesal, in four videos, brings us near an always incomplete narration about all those things we can't say much about. He speaks without words, with the subtlety of a hand slightly touching the most delicate subjects: absence, disappearance, death. But death does not entail complete disappearance; it becomes a path full of footprints, of shadows we sometimes fail to recognize. As when we walk through the mountains of our childhood, the paths trodden so many times, yet every time they are different. Nostalgia, the following of all those footprints left by the loss of the people we have met, a flow of living shadows, through flower remains, through hands that speak with silent music. This is what fills Javier Codesal's work, between music and poetry, between cinema and literature, always closer to an intimate, untranslatable narration than to contemporary epics.
(Translation: Marina Torres)
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