Sordos, mudos, ciegos. 2003 (Deaf, Blind, Mute)
There are objects we use so much that they become a representation of people and acquire human qualities. Like shadows, they keep us company, guard us and protect us. Among this kind of objects, books and furniture are the ones closer to humans. By using it, a book stops being a book and becomes a story we live and dream. A chair, a sofa, becomes the mold of the body that inhabited it, like a bed... or in the end, like any object or place that man inhabits or wears; any object with which we share our bodies, and also our souls.
In the series "Sordos, ciegos, mudos" (Deaf, Blind, Mute), 1999, Alicia Martín works with a series of objects, pieces of furniture we use everyday, but which are estranged from us, detached. They are blind, deaf and mute in their relationship with people. In fact, they are disappearing, they are losing the physical material structure that defines them and gives them shape. They are losing their soul; they are shadows of themselves, with an existence that is coming to an end as they are no longer useful. They have become disposable in spite of the history of encounters they have witnessed and in which they have also taken active part. Far from sharing loneliness and conversations, they disappear leaving behind only a trace of their bodies in the photographic image.
(Translation: Marina Torres)
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