Miedos No 4. 2005
Nature is the source of all man's fears. The shadows of the trees in children's stories -made huge by the fear of the child- kept in our memory, that infinite silence of the sea in calm weather, the shapes of the plants. The gap between cultural education and natural knowledge makes man feel a stranger before the elements of Nature and makes the sea to be perhaps the darkest landscape of all, alien to man, full of monsters that in fact simply symbolize our fears.
"Los miedos" (Fears) are photographic diptychs which Rafael Navarro puts in front of us as a kind of psychological test, like the Rorschach inkblot test, so that we can decipher those fears, the origin of the traumas, in order to face the monsters we think we see in the foam of the waves crashing against the rocks. The fact that they are done in black and white highlights the distance, the strangeness. The loss of that postal card beauty that keeps away the fear of the sea helps us face the beauty of the cliff with the vertigo of the fall, with that excitement in pure form that is fear, and there is no worse fear than the fear of the unknown, which is simply the unbridled fear of the monsters dwelling in our minds.
(Translation: Marina Torres)
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